1 definition by love pimp aus Favoriten

Anglicized form of Irish Eibhlín, Eilín or Aibhilín, Eileen is the name of a wonderful creature tha brings joy and prosperity to everything around her. Age, for her, is just a random number, and so is your telephone number, so don´t get your hopes too high. You might think that approaching her with " come on Eileen " is rather overplayed and lousy, so you might go with a more sublte " hey ", but it´s a trap. If thou manage tho to find and get an Eileen, wow: welldone. She is loyal and brilliant and a true procrastinator. She will sure you in good or bad mood, so don´t expect big shows from her. Diggin in is not enough, you have to dig yourself out and see what is left of you, and the put that into an Avocado seed and let it grow, because she is pure, she is an Eileen and thus deserves the existence of that Avocado. If she´s a Taurus, then she´s alligned with her truest self and her resting bitch face is at its maximum power.

Many souls have tried to express the beauty in her name: Dexy´s Midnight Runners, Keith Richards.. even Keb´Mo´.

She listens to Naive Melodies and warms your heart with a single glimpse so don´t break her heart. Never call her eileena .
Boy: Look at that pidgeon, I think it broke its leg..
Girl: You mean that pheeeujhowwnü? And yeah, sure.
Boy: Damn, why are you alway so eileen to me?
Girl: (:

Peasant 1:"Omg ich war so gemein. Ihr ist die oma gestorben und.."
Peasant 2: "Eileen oder?"

Peasant 1: "Na, nicht die"

"Eileen you are fuigeil"


Eileen: *walks away*

-Your eyebros look like Eileen´s eyebros..
-Eileen who ?
by love pimp aus Favoriten May 20, 2019
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