1 definition by its ok

I am extremely offended by what people have said about our town. Most of it isn't even true. First of all, not everyone gets drunk all the time and smokes pot. Though there may be a lot of people who do, what makes that so different from every other suburban town in America? Second of all, the people who have 2 multimillion dollar homes, boats, yacht clubs, etc...there arent too many of them. Third, not everyone is a complete jackass and extremely materialistic. Plenty of people in this town are people who made their own money and most people I know I happen to like. Last: the Jew comment. Westport is 35% Jewish. I find it extremely offensive to call this place jewville because A) it's not true and B) its discriminatory. So, is Westport perfect? No. But people need to give it more credit.
P.S. Why is Westport on Urbandictionary.com anyways?
by its ok June 20, 2005
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