1 definition by iWroteSomethingControversial

Ahhh, Sweden


A country worth visting if you're a tourist, ok A TOURIST


Everyone is passive agressive, one of the most racist countries ever, Eveyone either suports Hitler, LGBTQ, communism, The aryan masterrace, Or let's all kinds of hoodlums roam the country then complain why hoodlums roam the country.

Please vote for SD so i can't get deported fuck this country's people exept it's landscape
Fellow cowboy: Well Howdy Jim'
Jim: Hey!
Fellow cowboy: imma move to sweden
Jim: Bro that's fucking great!


Fellow cowboy on skype with Jim*

Jim: So how's sweden
Fellow cowboy : Hej, ut ur min land jävla invandrare, jag ska låta alla kriminella gå i mitt land medans jag skickar ut dom utbildade och normala för dom kommer från ett land jag inte gillar
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