1 definition by hey ya'll

A girl unlike any other, from the moment you first lay eyes on her she will always remain in your thoughts. Her smile outshines everyone else's and you can't help but smile when you hear her laugh. She is so caring and thoughtful and will make you feel all of the love in the world and more. Her kisses make you feel as if you were flying and her hugs make you want to never let go. Just thinking about her makes you blush and being around her always gives you butterflies. You will always love her no matter how close or far you are to each other and you will never forget all of the memories you made together.
Person 1: Jorja is the most beautiful girl I've ever met!
Person 2: Right? She is downright gorgeous!

Person 1: She has an amazing personality too! She is a dream...
Person 2: I guess dreams do come true because she's right in front of us!
by hey ya'll March 24, 2021
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