37 definitions by h.s. willsy

When someone who is usually terrible with the ladies gets drunk and inexplicably starts pulling hot girls, they are Miami Beached.
"Is that girl still here?"


"How the fuck did you pull her?"

"Don't know."

"You in shock or something?"

"Most likely."

"Shit, you were well Miami Beached."

by h.s. willsy August 24, 2011
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Setting your favourite song as your ring tone and then, after months of hearing it over and over again through your phone's bass-hating speakers, growing to hate it through too much repetition
"Isn't this your favourite song?"

"No, I can't stand it anymore. I set it as my ring tone and after four months of hearing just the chorus I cracked."

"Gutted. That's some pretty dim toning on your part."


"What have you got as your ring tone now?"

"Why are we talking about ring tones?"

"We must just be losers."

by h.s. willsy August 25, 2011
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When someone is completely sober and doing something dull whilst all their friend are out partying, they are radio foured.
"Where were you last night?"

"Radio foured."

"Doing what?"

"I had to go to my girlfriend's grandma's ninety fifth birthday party. What did you get up to?"

"We were snorting comedown-free drugs off naked porn stars for a bit and then we got kebabs."

by h.s. willsy August 24, 2011
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The collective noun of hippies, as in- a whoa of hippies
"Which whoa were you in, the one with the drum circle or the one that Timothy Leary was hanging around?"

"Err...it was the one with the dragon that kept vomiting itself inside out... I think."

"Okay so the second one then. Now lets just go over there and get your goddamn shoes back so we can leave."
by h.s. willsy August 15, 2011
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Sometimes, at a gangbang porno shoot, the blindfolded gangbangee will start to think that they are drowning due to the amount of depraviar that is being fired all over them and they will start to invent and reveal military secrets.
"Er...we've got UAVs hidden under the mountain! WMDs too! We've got goats with heat seeking lasers on their heads!"

"Stop cumming on her guys, she's water broading."

"Sheeeeeeit, that girl crazy."

"Yeah, now just wipe her down and we'll break for lunch."
by h.s. willsy August 24, 2011
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Ket cramps (or K cramps) is the name of the abdominal pain suffered by users of ketamine who take 1g + per day for a prolonged period of time
"Oh man, I've got the ket cramps bad."

"Stop taking ket everyday then you filthy scumbag."
by h.s. willsy August 24, 2011
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To 'get horsey' is to take ketamine
"We getting horsey tonight mate?"

"Again? I dunno man, I keep losing my shoes and I've only got this pair left."
by h.s. willsy August 24, 2011
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