1 definition by baby girl rock

Rajaya is loyal and a trustworthy friend. Would do anything for her friends just to put a smile on their face. She is beautiful, funny and smart. She is mean and nice at the same time. She is passionate and feisty at the same time. She carries herself in a certain way that define who she really is as a person. Yet not snobby. She don't let the comment of other bring her down. Loves her family and would do anything for them. She quite when you first met her but, once you get to know her she is loud and fun to be around. She may look mean and intimidating but, once getting to know her is sweet and nice to be around. She has an attitude and don't care neither. She can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Which side would you chose? She can bring light into you life by just being their. She is 100% loyal to her man and doesn't bat her eyes to just anyone just her man. Love her friends and family more than she loves herself.

She keeps her circle small and don't let just anyone in it. She can be a crybaby and clingy when it comes to her bf but that's because she wants attention. She is childish but, can be serious when she needs to be. She is big bad and boujee. Dream to have a big family of 7 and gonna become a great mother. That's put her children above the rest and herself. Care and give them as much love they need and always be there for them. Everyone need a Rajaya int their life's.
by baby girl rock November 3, 2018
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