1 definition by arthur morris

a town in central jersey consisted of the following groups of kids; jews, catholics, nonjews, noncatholics, emo kids, fake emo kids, preps, stoners, wiggers, gangsters, mall rats, & geeks, nerds, & losers. too many people dye their hair black, go to the mall on friday, make up gangs, and smoke pot. its made of rich and poor kids all who steal their parents money for either the mall or weed. there is nothing to do in this town and everyone knows it. it has the most fucked up school system and when you try to explain to outside people what school you're in or going to, no one ever understands so you just look like a complete idiot. most of the girls are sluts but some are also prude. the guys are pretty much all dicks or they're too shy/emo to function. everyone will agree in the end that its a pretty boring fucked up town.
kid: you from east brunswick yo?
eb kid: yeah, ill be at the mall on friday if you wanna meet up.
kid: yeaaaaa sure.
by arthur morris August 27, 2007
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