2 definitions by ali and mike

Cheaper version of the Big Mac.

Created by buying the $1 double cheeseburger from McDonalds and having special sauce added.

It's not nearly as delicious as the original Big Mac, but hey. If you've only got a dollar, you've got to take what you can get.
ali: shit, mike. i'm out of money. all i've got is a few quarters. looks like it's nig mac time.
employee: hi, welcome to mcdonalds, may i take your order?
mike: yes. i'd like two double cheeseburgers with special sauce.
ali: nig mac.
by ali and mike December 27, 2005
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The lead singer of an absolutely horrid band who is adored by thirteen year old girls around the nation.
Anyone with a right mind vomits, or at least bleeds from two plus orifices when his voice is heard.
I hope Gerard Arthur Way gets cancer.
by ali and mike January 3, 2006
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