1 definition by Zee Gee

The act of, or a calling for the act of, recreational marijuana consumption. Esp. preceding an activity, such as, gameplay, movie sesh, music {appreciation or creation of}, etc. (A localized term. Not common outside area of origin.)
Stoner 1: Dude, it's game time.
Stoner 2: Sweet, we should probably power up.
Stoner 1: Good call. I'll get the bucket (-bong).

Stoner 1: Dude, you're Mom is on the phone
Stoner 2: Duuuude, I JUST powered up! Tell her I'm asleep, or out, or something!
Stoner 1: Mrs Mom? Um, yeh, Johnno's like, out, or asleep or something. Sorry dude, later!

Stoner 1: Dude, got any power ups?
Stoner 2: Nah man, I'm out hey.
Stoner 1: Bummer dude.
Stoner 2: Yeah.
by Zee Gee January 19, 2006
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