1 definition by Your mom's llama's face's cousin from nebraska.

the best insult in my mind. it also works if you get asked a question and dont want to answer it or just feel like wierding someone out. it also works if you get insulted. also one of the best starts to jokes. (a.k.a. yer mom jokes)
Jorgé the muffin: you suck
Bob: yer mom sucks

Jorgé the muffin: whats up?
Bob: yer mom. what else.

Jorgé the muffin: hey you wanna go out?
Bob: yer mom wants to go out.

Bob: Yer mom's so stupid that she got run over by a parked car.
Bob: Yer mom's so fat, she needs a watch on both arms because she covers two time zones.
Bob: Yer mom's so slow it takes her two hours to watch the tv show 60 Minutes.
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