1 definition by You pick one

1. Malipocrit....always complains, always hungry, never has a cigarette and is absolutely perfect in theyre own small mind...

2. Not to be confusciered or confused with..Epileptic hypocrit, Mallow crit, the one who diagnoses via google, a narcolepsy story,

3.Generally some say they be speaking like a stipocrit (stupid hypocrit) talks too much is perfect in every possible way and yes the sun shines out their fromt amd back passages...

3. They are everywhere.... and they got big bad juicy stories to telll....
Gosh that person is such a malipocrit, he looks like marsh mallow with his big fat mouth...

Do they sell them at the mall maybe they got them low in the mall

Stop being a stipocrit...

Im hungry lets go to the mall you hypocritical dead man
by You pick one March 11, 2019
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