1 definition by You're the best I love you.

The most amazing girl ever. Shes commonly referred to as "Ms.Perfect , Beautiful , Gorgeous , Love , and Baby" all are very suiting for the girl that can take a boy's breath away with just her smile. At an LA Dodger game she can make people watch her the entire time and never turn away.Not because of her crazy gland expressing skills but because of her beauty as a whole. She captured a boys heart on the opposite side of the country and make me feel like the luckiest man that has ever lived.She is the epitome of perfection from her looks to her charisma. She can make a grown man cry just from her unconditional love.
If you ever get an amanda hold on to that girl even if she does want to steal you hoodie.
by You're the best I love you. September 16, 2010
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