26 definitions by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S

1 a mixture of slow, law, and tearing up

with a deep hurting feeling.
2 the act of ripping a letter on someone's face to probe a point.
3 ripping a contract, notarized paper of an agreement to show discontentment.
1 She did the slawtearing after we broke up.
2 with no words what so ever he showed his emotions by slawtearing our contract.
by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S October 18, 2017
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1- A term cteated to describe the act of a head-rushed event, cause by lack of oxygen in the brain, after being in a position where the head gets little blood flowing threw.
2-A word created to simplify a term of picking someone's thoughts, as to how know what a person, and or animals might be thinking when when approach with an unexpected expression.
P1- Wow I got braindeeps by the girl I like.
P2- Do you mean that all of your attention goes to her.
P1- No quite, she wanted the purpose of my thoughts.
P2- I like a straight shooter girl, but I can tolerate a rooky.
P1- I hear what you mean bro, brain picking is a thing but braindeeping took it all, Braindeeps is the new slang word for the act of enjoying someone's thoughts or by versa...
P2- Hahahaha agreed say nomore.
by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S August 14, 2019
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1 a mixture of foggy feelings and forgetting about it.
2 to cover up.
3 foggy brain.
4 hard time remembering
1 Just foggettup.
2 if u can remember than foggettup.
3 she said go and foggettup and do not mention it.
by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S October 18, 2017
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1- A made up word derived from confusion.
2- A way to simplify the meaning of a being bullied down by a female figure with the purpose of teaching.
Me- do you think cuntfusion will transform the attitude of anyone.
you- trust we learn even my dog seems to be less aggressive.
Me- hahaha true that instead growing confidence it fired back on me.
You- hahaha being cuntfused is better than feeling confused to much misunderstanding all around.
by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S January 19, 2020
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1- A word made up to unify a temporary mental deficit caused by a superficial stress from lack of tuth in education.
2- A made up word fused and derived from conclusions, clue and syndrome.
Yo- What's new out there.
Me- Not much just the same oh Concluedrome as always.
Yo- Concluedrome? Are you messing with my head.
Me- hahaha those are the symptoms alright.
Yo- Good one I'll get you next time.
Me- You asked for it hahahah, bye now.
by YOUR I AS O'D CUB EYE'S January 31, 2020
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