1 definition by Who DIDN'T post this?

A combination of "binge drinking" and "Ben."

A person who drinks himself into an alcohol-induced coma. Upon revival, he will usually claim to have "conquered alcohol..." Weeks later, he will once again be in the hospital for acute alcohol poisoning. Also, he's on cocaine. Worse yet, he attends Carlson School of Management, thus making him a douche bag.
Dude 1: Oh, man! I think Benji just got in trouble for cocaine possession!
Dude 2: Naw, he'd be in jail if he had coke.
Dude1: Meh, he's still a douche bag.

Girl 1: I heard that Benji was twitching in the hallway! Is he okay?
Girl 2: Yeah, that's normal for douche bags like him.
by Who DIDN'T post this? December 15, 2005
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