2 definitions by Whitey McCrackFiend

Prep in black. Does the same shit as every other emo kid, and calls it nonconformist. They should get a swift punch in the face from something called reality
Preps: Im gonna go to abercrombie, buy some overpriced shit, and drink and have unprotected sex

Emo Kids: Im gonna go to hot topic, buy some over priced shit, and drink and have unprotected sex
by Whitey McCrackFiend March 31, 2007
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White suburban teen 1: OMFG!!!!! A7X IS LIKE TEH SEXXORZ!!!1!!1!1!! sUCH METAL GANGSTAS!11!!!!!!

White suburban teen the second: I NO, DUDE, THEY ARE LIKE THE MOST MEDTAL BAND AROUND!1111!!!!111!!!1

Little ole me: No, they are emo gangsta cunts. If you want metal that doesn't make you look a mans ass and think "lunchtime" try Mercyful fate, venom, motorhead, overkill etc......
by Whitey McCrackFiend June 29, 2007
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