2 definitions by Weetabix Wizard

The crumbs you get in packets of Weetabix.
Mark: What do you do with biccy crumbs? Do you eat that shit?
Philip: Naw dog, I throw them right in the bin. They drink up all the milk and make it mushy.
by Weetabix Wizard April 29, 2019
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Eating a quantity of Weetabix that will result in non-completed 12 packs aka biccy leftovers.

For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12 Weetabix per sitting are acceptable. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 are not.

Only a true biccy anarchist would engage in such behaviour
Mark: Phil’s coming for breakfast, shall we get Weetabix?
Kate: No, he eats like 5 at a time, boys a pure biccy anarchist!
by Weetabix Wizard July 30, 2019
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