1 definition by Wah Wah Suki

A on-line game, targeted towards 6-13 year olds, which contains a stuffed Animal(dog, cat, fish, peacock, etc., etc.) where it can come to life on the computer. The pets have W on the foot, side, or bottom. They have 2 sites, Webkinz.com, which is for 6 to 13 year olds, and Webkinz Jr, which is targeted for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers. They have a secret code on their arm or fin, which they can come alive with on-line, Its a kids site, I dunno why adults hate it. ?:P My friend has 29 of 'em. FUUU
Madeline: I am going to buy Webkinz, want to come?
Mame: Nah, I have to buy Webkinz Jr. for my sister, :(
by Wah Wah Suki July 27, 2011
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