1 definition by VEIKKOLOVER123

The most sexy attractive man in the universe who is always open to new things, such as sucking your toes. If you date a Veikko, you’re the luckiest man in the world, as Veikkos are always, ALWAYS gay. Veikkos are very sweet and loving one you have fingered them up their belly button at least once. Always be on the lookout for a Veikko, he will fill your life with love and wet slimy phlangies.
Girl 1: Who is that guy. Is he single? He looks like he will fill my life with love and slimy phlangies!
Boy 1: That is Veikko. He sucks my toes on the daily, and it feels nice and wet and sexy. He’s gay, so don’t get your hopes up. Veikkos are the best men out there🤤🤤.
by VEIKKOLOVER123 July 1, 2019
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