31 definitions by Time Capsule💊

I don't have anything but sincerity and love
And my love is not enough.

I don't have anything but straightforwardness and care
And nobody cares if I care.

Okay I should stop my thought here.

I should learn to accept reality
I should learn to view reality at a more beautiful angle under kaleidoscope glasses
It's not perfect but it's good enough
To make you appreciate life.
I don't
I do
by Time Capsule💊 January 26, 2022
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Some mistakes are costlier than others
Some mistakes can be repeated
Some mistakes should only be done once
Some mistakes should have never been made,
Because one time would be too many.

The mistake that costs lives
The mistake that forever leaves imprint in their heart and mind.
Those kind of mistakes, should have never been made.

It's Done.
by Time Capsule💊 May 5, 2022
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Many times before, I saw myself was willing to give up everything to be with you. Then, I asked myself a lot of questions when I wrote the post "ncertainty"

- Did he really write for me?

- Are those words real if they were for me? Those words surely made me cry a river on August 13, 2021
- Does he really love me or just play around?
- Why doesn't he talk to me or simply have an urge to chat with me through that app like I do?
- Why doesn't he try to find me just to see me like I always look for him?
- If he loves me, then is his love deep?
- If his love is deep, then is it deep enough to sustain through struggles life might throw at us?
- Will he ever give up on me if I give him my hand?
- Will he ever insult me and treat me badly (not gently)? (I hate this most, along with abandoment and cheating)
- Is this serious? (When you asked me that special question on 12/13)
- If it is serious, then why doesn't he even ask me about my feelings and love for him in person?
- It is obvious that he can read me and understand me, does he accept me and love me for who I am?
- Does he have the same mind as me? You may care about being physical, but I don't care about it, really. Those two numbers you wrote caused me to have those feelings. It was not there before I read deeper into those two number and that the post about you woke up after having a dream about us.
I saw myself saying yes to you multiple times, but ncertainties took over. If it was in person, I'd say yes and be willing to take your hand if your love for me was deep and serious. Then again, answers to my questions showed me otherwise... Spontaneous life is not an option anymore for me. I guess we missed those moments and we never know for sure.

But, It does not matter anymore
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales February 02, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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I wish she would accept me to be in your life as a friend who will give you sincere care, emotional support or motivate you. I wish everyone would "accept" the situation, my heart as is, my feelings, and my care toward you. Give care to you like-my-child (I don't have children) without anybody judging me, making me feel guilty.
- Taking care.
- Giving gentleness.
- Protecting
- Nurturing
- Listening to deep secrets that you cannot share with anyone else.

Who would believe me when I say I just want to be there siliently to give, not take?
Who would believe me that I don't have any motives, bad intentions?
Who would believe that someone's like me actually exist?
Who would understand me, the REAL me and let me be me, At.All?
Who would?
That's the reality.
A Hopeless Wish that would never come true without any severe damages in this lifetime.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 06, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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I knew the term "Soulmate" from ones..
and I knew the term "Twinflame" from ones - which is you.
Spiritual Journey
by Time Capsule💊 May 13, 2023
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I see you the same you once were.
I wish my eyes could linger and look at you longer.
I see you with all my heart and soul.
I really wish you would know.

For a moment of hope,

I hoped you called me
to ask me: "why are you here?"
then tell me: "please come near"
I have missed you, very dear.

I see you the same.
The kind loving in your eyes
The caring heart for the little ones.
The curiousity when you looked at me
Yes, I see you the same..

Life has put so much weights on you.
I see some of your hair turn grey.
It caused my heart to ache
Tears were streaming down on my face
As I walked away.

I wanted to sit down near the stairs and talk to you. I wanted to tell you how I feel. I wanted to let you know all. I wanted to see if you know how to take care of yourself well.
I see the reality
I see the real you
I see a kind, loving man.
I see curiousity in your eyes.
I see bitterness, hardship
I see hope, I see joy
that are deeply burried
waiting for someone to come and wake them up
with her loving care and gentleness
to bring smile back on your face again.
A real smile.
A real laugh.
A real calmed soul.
A life that is full of forgiveness
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 06, 2022
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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Be good.
Make good choices.
Remain good.
Make informed and wise decisions.

Love family.
When you feel down, think of happy memories.
Think of good people who just want to support you and see you succeed.
Think positively
by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023
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