2 definitions by Thestoryteller

By the time the Jews fled Mecca, the dark lord "Shak Zul" was brought forth to devour the flesh of their children. One does not simply see Shak Zul, Shak Zul allows you to see him when he wishes. Common names for Shak Zul are:

1. Icky Icky Bang Bang
2. Floop
3. Rachel
Oh shit, it's Shak Zul!

Hitler jews phantom masturbator cock blocked German ferris wheel
by Thestoryteller November 5, 2012
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Taylor she can be lazy, and beautiful. She can sometimes step out of reality, and daze off. She is usually not the tallest, and not really the most athletic. She has gorgeous eyes, and can be scared of relationships. She is trustworthy and loving and can be a great friend. Taylor’s should start being a little more confident and step out her comfort zone. Find the perfect boy who makes your laugh and is trustworthy and never let him go.
Him : Taylor is amazing

Her: she really is
by Thestoryteller June 13, 2021
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