1 definition by The infamous Aero

A game, if you could call it that, where you attempt gain as much power as possible and get powerful items. Like every other game on the face of the earth. You do this by getting people to A. Click your link, B. Pay the same ammount a month as it would take to pay for a real MMORPG and get 500 clicks a day, which is really miniscule in ammount, or get items that give you automatic clicks. This would seem alright, at first, but it becomes corrupt. To obtain these clicks, you need to A. Spam, B. Pay money, C. gather in some huge crew and sit there waiting for items for days on end and not actually get anything unless you spend your entire life sucking up to the leaders, or D. spend your entire life clicking around the loosely named explore section of the site, wasting attacks on pitiful little enemies (once again, the term is used loosely). To make matters worse, the only way to get good at the game is to gather in these huge crews, and be either the leader or someone really dedicated and butt buddies with the leader, to get these high powered items, giving you an advantage over 99% of the game who will never get near that good because they have lives. And, the icing on top of the cake, Outwar is stuffed full of spyware, adware, and malware, so not only does it mess up your mind, but it messes your computer up at the same time. All I can say is, stay away, before you're drawn into the darkness.
I just spent several thousand dollars in real life maxing a character in a frequently hacked game! Oh, damn! the spyware that the game gave me took the account away, and some crew leader just stole all my legendary items! I'm so fucked up!
by The infamous Aero December 6, 2004
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