5 definitions by The Twinkleberry

The black part of the egg when it is over cooked. Some say in Ancient Greece they ate Josun’s and had raging erections that lasted days.
That Josun just made Arthmethesis huge!!!
by The Twinkleberry November 29, 2022
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When the unicorn uses it’s mighty antlers to pierce the underwear of a virgin before he or she drinks their first Fresca
My goodness! That child just got a josun!
by The Twinkleberry November 26, 2021
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The motion of a strong man slapping a raw chicken until it is cooked
That man just josuned that chicken
by The Twinkleberry November 26, 2021
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Amazing human specimen that can actually trick themselves into becoming a full lizard (but only on a full moon). Josun’s usually attract smaller white woman, giving off hormones the same as the black panther. They usually are found in big cities, as they like to be surveilled by higher powers. No 2 Josun’s are alike, each with their own distinct smell and ways of evoking cancel culture.
That Josun is an ass
by The Twinkleberry November 23, 2021
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A angelic kind of unicorn that attracts Christmas elves through its hormones at night. It’s sharp antlers and stiffy toes allow it (in modern mythology) to pierce any meat that was made during the Great Depression or the year 1939. In ancient times, the Josun was mistaken for donkeys and deer, but one day, on the 10th Christmas, a Josun, known as the Josun Mammyh, licked so many in the lands that no one could ignore such a mythical beast. Every full moon, if you dig deep enough into the ground, sometimes you can still find the lost antlers of a Josun
That Josun was such an ass
by The Twinkleberry November 23, 2021
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