1 definition by The Kinkionary

Love is both the best and worst emotion man possesses. It both brings people together and drives them apart. It can enrich people’s lives or can leave them in misery. It can give someone something to live for and drive people to death. Some say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but many disagree. Love is a dangerous investment, but if it works, it will be the best investment you will ever make. People pay for love, people kill for love, and love can do crazy things to a mind. If you are in love you know it. I am in love and it is the greatest feeling in the world, you are in a good mood all the time. When you are with her you feel happy, when you aren’t you feel empty. You can’t go long periods of time without seeing her or talking to her. You can’t get her out of your mind and you can’t get enough of her laugh. The worst feeling you can feel in love is when you say that you love someone and they don’t say anything back. They won’t tell you anything, if they do or do not love you back. But you keep loving her in hopes that she will one day tell you the same back.
I love you with all of my heart, and you know exactly who you are, I love the sound of your voice and your cute laugh.
by The Kinkionary October 27, 2006
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