1 definition by The Fli

This is not the Australian slang version of the English "wanker". Wanker literally means "masturbator" but all the same is used as a general insult to state that someone is not liked nor likeable. "He is a wanker" or "Don't be a wanker", "I'm not going to that bar again, they are all wankers in there"

"Wacker" is related in meaning to the word "Wacky" and also "wacked" - and means a bit crazy, a fool, an idiot. Although it is not a favourable term, it is more descriptive than an insult.

"Why did you phone her up again?" "I'd been drinking all day and was wacked off my head"

"Did you see him fall down the stairs yestederday while trying to show off to his mates?" "yeah, haha, what a wacker".

"Do you want to go base jumping this weekend?" "No way - You would have to be a wacker to do something like that!"
by The Fli October 28, 2005
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