1 definition by The Creatorr

A K-12 school located in Calabasas, CA on the Mulholland Hwy. The campus is pretty much like a day camp, and with so many stairs that everyone there wishes that there was an escalator. Also known as the Construction School, because there doesn't seem to be a time when they AREN'T building anything (probably because they have no idea what to do with their tons of money). The administrative offices look like a casual, 2 story house. But, as in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the term "No one comes in, and no one comes out" really comes into play. Students can only imagine what goes on in there.
John: I think that I'll go to summer school just for the hell of it.
Laura: Dude, don't spend your summer at school, go to Viewpoint School!
Laura:Same hellish heat, and you're not wasting your vacation!
by The Creatorr November 19, 2009
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