1 definition by The "orignal" Irishman

A tragic, horrific day in American history. The day exhibited how vulnerable the United States can be, yet the politicians have a major portion of our military in Iraq. Didn't the government learn anything?
The U.S. military has been in Iraq longer than we participated in WWII & longer than the "Civil War".....
After 9/11, our Military needs to be where it belongs; HOME, attempting to protect the American people!
9/11 changed America forever. If I were president, I would tell them to eat their oil and we will keep our food; I would bring the military home immediately and stop feeding the military industrial complex. ie: the companies that make all of the ammunition, guns, planes, tanks, humvees, etc. Enough of our military has died or been maimed, needlessly! In my opinion, 9/11 started this ignorant dispersion of the U.S. military in another "Vietnam"!! Why does the U.S. police the world? Isn't it time the U.S. "saved" the U.S.? There's oil in places other than the middle east. Enough death!
by The "orignal" Irishman May 11, 2008
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