1 definition by That damn aspie!

A mental disorder (I think that's the right term) which is basically a milder form of autism. It varies from person to person.

It has many symptoms, but if you call them that, instead of the more PC, "tendancies" then you are automatically an asshole.
Some tendencies include:
Being awesome at math (because rain man says we are).
Not being able to make jokes (or friends).
Unintentionally acting like an asshole, even though we may spend a lot of time trying to act like what normal people do, 'n stuff.
Apparently choosing to be like this.
Getting bullied.
Being bullies.
Having our parents being blamed for our condition.
Being told that our problems aren't as bad or important as those faced by people with high functioning autism, even though the main difference is the time we start speaking.
Having to deal with idiots who self diagnose because they dont like being around people all the time.
Using our diagnosis as a "get out of jail free" card.
Liking MLP.
Zach: "hello, how are you"
Aspie Aaron: "I'm alright"
Z: "what a fucking dick!"
AA: "I'm sorry, I have asperger's syndrome, I'm not to good at conversations."
Z: "Now you're using your diagnosis as an excuse?"
AA: "No, I was just explaining..."
Z: "What a fucking dick!
by That damn aspie! September 5, 2015
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