2 definitions by ThEyeball Kid

1. A liability

2. Somebody with no training, no experience and no common sense or judgement insists on tagging along they are a "Nathalie Portman".

Origin- In the film Leon Nathalie Portman plays a child who loses her parents and is taken in by the assassin, Leon. She then informs a hotel receptionist he is her "Lover", fires random shots off a balcony window and ends up getting Leon killed.
You just lost us the game, you're such a Nathalie Portman.
by ThEyeball Kid December 13, 2010
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A respones to when somebody says something that has either an explicitly or implicitly dirty meaning, similar in use to That's what she said

"The fire won't light because all my wood is wet."
"Dirty potatoes!"

Originating in a nerd community in south Dublin, Ireland.
by ThEyeball Kid December 13, 2010
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