1 definition by Tealeaf ♥

Stacey is the epitome of a mingah.
A Stacey can often be found wondering the headlands of the Northern Beaches with the magical ladybug and her fellow smelly passenger that loves her like a fat kid loves cake. None the less she is simply beautiful inside and out. ♥
Unfortunately for the Stacey she collected this passenger at a rough point in time with a rather interesting introduction but now she's stuck with her. This little cling-on loves her dearly though and would do almost anything for her ♥
Sadly, some Stacey's don't quite realise how amazing they are and this leads to some upsetting moments. The cling-on will always reminds her of her importance and amazingfullness despite how much she thinks the Stacey will actually take it in..
Overall a Stacey is an amazing and absolutely beautiful person that this cling-on is so glad to have found and couldn't go without anymore (: ♥
by Tealeaf ♥ November 25, 2013
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