1 definition by Tea-Rex Buckingham

He’s a colossal lamo,

As dumb as they come,

Thinks he is a wisenheimer,

finance sucks, someone please thow him a primer,

A tranquil person, with a stomach that is always rumbling

He hears the name Arunika and his knees go trembling

Not all is lost on him, here’s the good part,
he's great at excel, makes awesome chai,
‘you before me’ kinda guy, he has my heart,
eats all the junk he can, beware of his fart,
okay now the real good part…
he's a smiler at all times, with a wink that can kill all the downtimes,
he’s a softy at core, with an ‘always-true-to-you’ kinda roar,

makes up with wholesomeness, for all the smarts he lacks
All of us are worried that this kid will turn out to be a "common, copied, and boring" kinda Abhishek
by Tea-Rex Buckingham August 7, 2023
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