1 definition by Supp dudee

The most beautiful woman you’ll ever get to meet. She might be all shy and blushy and quiet when you see her but when you actually get to know her she’s fun, funny, loud (not in a negative way) , creative, adventurous, etc. She’s probably always laughing. That you might even find her in the hallways (if at school) or a resteraunt or a street (if public) just laughing in her own special way. When she smiles she brightens the room and touches people’s hearts. She’s always open towards new people and she’s so easy to talk to . She might seem tough but deep inside she’s super sensitive. She’s protective over people she cares about and will do anything to make sure they’re happy even if takes her being upset. She probably went through more than any of us but she always has a smile on her face. Ihsan isn’t a friend to loose.
Dude she’s always smiling how perfect can she be?
Ihsan is always perfect
by Supp dudee January 3, 2018
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