2 definitions by Stepho M. Miller


is a suffix that can be added to the end of any word, but usually added to the end of words that express emotion. It merely adds a more friendly and silly presence to the word and is not to be used in any formal situation.

***Usually, there is NO hyphen between the word and -sauce, but for the purposes of Urban Dictionary it had to be added to submit the entry.
See "crazysauce" in Urban Dictionary.

That was sweet-sauce!! (sweet)
I'm feeling quite blah-sauce :( . (blah)
That movie was scary-sauce! (scary)
I just had surgery and I'm feeling icky-sauce. (icky)
by Stepho M. Miller September 9, 2010
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A way to say good night and/or sweet dreams. Origin is a combination of the 3 fishermen's names in the Dutch lullabye "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod."
"I'm turning on the nightlight, honey. Noddy blinkums and sweet dreams."
by Stepho M. Miller May 28, 2009
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