1 definition by Someone you don't need to know

A popular internet meme which has derived from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, in which town guardsmen will often say to the player "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee".
The meme is often used as a response in forum posts or YouTube comments, particularly to people thinking of past events in their life.

Guy 1: "Look at my new Gamecube!"
Guy 2: "Yeah I used to have one of those"
Guy 1: "...Then I took an arrow to the knee"

Or as a way of expressing the fact that Skyrim is the game to be playing right now. For example:

YouTube comment from 2008 - "GTA IV is the best game ever! I'm gonna play it forever!"
Reply to the comment from 2011 - "Then I took an arrow to the knee."
by Someone you don't need to know January 10, 2012
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