1 definition by Soc Queen

Male interaction that appears homosexual in nature, but is acceptable and not considered homosexual (by other men) because it done in a socially appropriate setting (i.e. sports).
For example, in sports like football when men slap each other on the ass, their actions are not homo-like because they are in uniform and playing a “manly” and aggressive game. Therefore their aggressive and manly behavior denotes the underlying homosexual tendency of slapping another man on the ass. "Oh that's not gay, they are just using homoeroticism"

Another example can be seen through the sport of wrestling, where men are frequently on top of each other in various sexual positions but are not considered homo because they are enacting manly behavior through physically fighting. They also scream demeaning names at each other like “bitch” and “pussy” in order to negate any thoughts of homosexuality by using a term that is generally demeaning to females.

"Wow they look gay"
"Nah, it's just homoertocism"
by Soc Queen February 27, 2010
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