4 definitions by SnapsOkay

you searched up pee pee poo poo on urban dictionary? lmfao
Steve: Pee pee poo poo
everyone: *bursts out laughing and applauding at that amazing joke*
by SnapsOkay November 13, 2020
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A stupid ass term used by my stupid ass 11yo brother with fortnite stickers on his chromebook because he thinks it's a gamer way "trash", not knowing that it means precum. My brother thinks the real world is fortnite and one time he shit his pants because he didn't want to stop playing fortnite. He unironically thinks your mom jokes are funny and sleeps on the fucking floor because he's too lazy to climb on the bunk bed.
Annoying 11yo brother: "You're dogwater!!!!1!!, I am so funny! YOUR MOM"
Everyone else: "oh my god shut the fuck up stop trying to be funny, kys"
by SnapsOkay April 25, 2022
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To shoot someone in the throat six times, then divorce their wife for them. does not need to be a pistol. It is seen as a sign of salute.
Parkzer: I just gave that man a six pistol salute!
Doug: I'm going to go eat dog cheese.
by SnapsOkay May 8, 2022
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Toxic vegans are vegans that try to force their eating habits on to other people.

They claim that anyone who disagrees with them is "veganphobic".
They compare animals to black people.
they think anyone who eats meat is evil and deserves to die.

it's okay to be vegan just don't be toxic about it.
"I just got a thatveganteacher tiktok on my fyp."
"ugh, i hate toxic vegans."
by SnapsOkay November 23, 2020
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