2 definitions by Slankin' Bananians

When a girl bites your dick off and cuts a hole in a couch and puts your dick in there. Then you have to go look for it and sew it back on.
Duuude, that bitch just did the GH GOBBLER on me and now i can't find my fuckin dick!!
by Slankin' Bananians August 16, 2008
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Before sex...kinda like foreplay, the man takes a HUGE shit in the shape of a spiral (so like a cinnamon roll dance, so to speak) then the man cums on the "cinnamon roll" which looks like the icing, and has to eat the "cinnamon roll" before engaging in fornication.
So this girl told me that she liked the Alabama Hot Pocket,..so you know, I thought I'd give it a little 'twist' & throw a Chicago Cinnamon Roll at her. She got so pissed and slapped me in the fuckin face.
by Slankin' Bananians August 16, 2008
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