2 definitions by Sir Tiki

1. An old expression in which you were thrown in jail, put in chains, and had to work.

2. A banned Mickey Mouse cartoon in which Mickey was in a chain gang.
1. Greg isn't with us anymore. He is now a member of the chain gang.

2. The reason this short was banned was because it showed Mickey chewing tobacco, mild violence, and Mickey repeatedly being wacked in the balls.
by Sir Tiki June 20, 2005
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1. Unleavened bread, replaces the 5 forbidden grains during Passover (Wheat, Spelt, Barley, Rye, and Oats/two rowed Barley)

2. A song on JibJab
1. Moses created Matzah during Passover

2. Matzah!
by Sir Tiki June 20, 2005
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