2 definitions by Shack Anon.

Private school lad. Not a real lad but a lad of sorts. Usually a toned down version of a lad or one who acts like one to be cool.

Must not be mistaken for a real lad.
Person one: "Did you just see that lad over there!"
Person two: "Dude, he's not a lad! He's a Prad, he's wearing a hat and blazer!"
Person three: "Yeah man he's so right he's deffinately a prad."
by Shack Anon. June 1, 2010
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Word meaning unique, cool, yes, awesome, beyond cool etc. Its meanings are somewhat limitless.

Originated from the artist named M.C Escher know for his puzzling and unique drawings :)

As seen in the Simpsons Movie.
Person one: "Wow dude that drawing is soo mad Eschays!"
Person two: "I know man, I was totally thinking that!"
by Shack Anon. June 1, 2010
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