8 definitions by SexManiacOnARoll

A band, that is talented, not by guitar but by lyrics that dominated rap and hip hop for a few years.
"polly" and "smells like teen spirit"
were some of there great lyrics. This is a truely great band, because after the 90s, they came out with bands like dashboard confessionals, simple plan, and blink 182, who are horrible at playing, and vocaling. Sorry, but screaming "vindicated" at a gay tone isnt a song.
I wouldnt say nirvana was the best rock band in the world, but they were the ones who made me get into bands like "van halen",ledzeppelin,metallica and the great 70s to 80s rock. Lynyrd skynyrd also. There Song "smells like teen spirit" is famed for its solo, that got them into "100 best solos of all time". its 30 something.
by SexManiacOnARoll August 31, 2004
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