1 definition by Sarah Uberknecht

Ubertunism is the art of adeptly handling a conversation during an Uber ride when your driver starts sharing unconventional or quirky beliefs without causing friction. You nod along, ask questions, and even sprinkle in a few sly remarks, all to keep the ride smooth and the good vibes flowing. This social skill involves a liberal use of slang terms to keep things groovy.
Person 1: "Our Uber driver went all in on some wild government conspiracy theories and even dropped the bombshell that alien cats secretly rule the world. But my buddy kept it groovy, saying, 'Man, that's some next-level X-Files stuff.'"

Person 2: "Total Ubertunism in action! Your buddy's slang game was on point, keeping the vibes cosmic and the ride hella chill." 🛸🐱🌌🤙
by Sarah Uberknecht November 6, 2023
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