1 definition by Ryan Deming

One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven

Also known as Elite
1337 chat is used by either of the following
Used mainly by hackers (intelegent people who think they're cool by using numbers instead of letters normally losers in their school or community) 10% and wannabe hackers (idiots who don't know what they're actually saying but thinks its funny to see numbers when they are trying to put words in) 90%
I myself being a real hacker am not fond of "1337 chat" because it disrupts all meaning and just makes me look like a complete retard.

My common dictionary if ever using 1337 chat
A = 4
B = 13
C = { or (
D = l)
E = 3
F = F
G = 6 or 9
H = l-l
I = 1
J = J
K = l<
L = 1
M = lVl or /\/\
N = lV or /\/
O = 0 or () or
P = D or D
Q = Q
R = 12
S = 5
T = 7
U = U
V = \/
W = VV or \/\/ or lN
X = ><
Y = Y
Z = 2

Please give me a thumbs up =)
Z0lVlG 1M 50 lVlUCl-l lVl0R3 1337 7l-l4lv J00
Oh my god I am so much more elite than you are.
by Ryan Deming June 20, 2006
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