1 definition by Roger Frederick

1. n Alcoholic drink.
2. a Shanted, Drunk.
Are you going out on the shant tonight? (i.e. are you going out on the beer?) He was completely shanted last night? (He was very drunk). I first came across this as student slang in the late 1980s. I used it in a novel 'Fishing for Angels', which was drafted in the early 1990s and published in 1997 by Interstate in a compilation of fiction (The Casino Kid, Roger Frederick ISBN: 1 871604 03 6).The main character goes for a pizza with a girl he's just met and after a mix-up over glass sizes they both consumer 4 pints of strong lager. In the text, it is used thus:

"By the time we'd finished our second tankards of Kronenberg, I have to say I was feeling pretty merry myself. Turtle was completely shanted."

A newspaper review at the time cited the novel as a prime example of the way literature was being dumbed down by the use of slang and inproper grammar. I was well made up! :-)

by Roger Frederick April 18, 2006
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