19 definitions by Rocket League Player on UrbDic

A Game that you will endlessly rage on unless you have the patience of a saint.
by Rocket League Player on UrbDic February 23, 2021
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where some adds VSC (Very Subba Challenge) to the end of a video as a joke, like a rick roll, but geometry dash.
i fucking when people vsc-roll me
by Rocket League Player on UrbDic November 2, 2020
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The type of cryptocurrency you buy when your blackout drunk at 4am.
Have you heard of? *insert new shitcoin* its gonna MOON i swear!
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A phrase you’ll hear from most cod players with more than 2 braincells
Bro Stop Camping in that corner you little *****
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Generic “comforting” phrases that come off the top of your subconscious nearly immediately.
Person 1: My Condolences.

Person 2: Seriously? Comfort Words is all you could think of?
by Rocket League Player on UrbDic September 22, 2021
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