1 definition by Robyn Lilliona

The Fault in Our Stars the title originating from a Shakespearean quote.

Written by a familiar man on youtube, John Green.

Like most of John's books the theme and atmosphere is the same and this makes him very predictable.

The Fault in Our Stars has been claimed to be the 'best book of all time' and ridiculous praise seems to come from every corner, praise is just seeping from every possible nook and cranny it seems.
While this book is a well written book, it is not the best, it is at the maximum good.
Perhaps okay.

As a fellow youtuber, and a woman who has had many family members suffer from cancer, I can with experience say that this book is controversial for the fact it touches people with the cancer story, the love and the struggles that are overcome.
The Fault in Our Stars is a book by John Green.

You mean the vlogbrothers?

Yes, the vlogbrother.
by Robyn Lilliona June 11, 2014
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