2 definitions by Robo Robot

Quite possibly the worst band of all time. The genre of this band is "Poser-Punk". They pretend to be punk in many different ways, such as spiking their hair to ridiculous and unnecessary heights. This band was made famous by a network known as MTV (better known as Moron Television). This band lacks something known as talent, which is usually a very important factor to a successful band, which Good Charlotte is light years away from. The singer has a very annoying, whinny, bitchy voice which makes me want to bang my head against my window over and over until the glass shatters. The guitarist is restricted as a background sound, and all the guitarist does is play a bunch of random 3 note power chords. The bass player...do they even have a bass player? I can't hear it because the power chords are so fucking loud. The drummer is off beat, he might as well grab a branch off of a tree and bang it on his head, it would most likely make the same sound as his drumming. It is painfully obvious that the main goals for the members of Good Charlotte are two things: Money and chicks. No, they don't care about making beautiful music, they just figured that if they pretend to play, and think of lame emo lyrics such as "HOOOLD ONN IFF YOUU FEEEL LIKE LETTING GO", the chicks will love them. Unfortunately, this has became true, they are loved by many preps. MTV basically played this band on their station to brainwash all the preps into listening to bad music. Oh well, there's nothing we can do.
Prep: The song "Hold on" saved my life!!@!!@!"

Someone who isn't an idiot: "Yeah, too bad it's ending ANYWAY!!"
*shoots the prep*
by Robo Robot June 6, 2005
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Quite possibly the worst band of all time. The genre of this band is "Poser-Punk". They pretend to be punk in many different ways, such as spiking their hair to ridiculous and unnecessary heights. This band was made famous by a network known as MTV (better known as Moron Television). This band lacks something known as talent, which is usually a very important factor to a successful band, which Good Charlotte is light years away from. The singer as a very annoying, whinny, bitchy voice which makes me want to bang my head against my window over and over until the glass shatters. The guitarist is restricted as a background sound, and all the guitarist does is play a bunch of random 3 note power chords. The bass player...do they even have a bass player? I can't hear it because the power chords are so fucking loud. The drummer is off beat, he might as well grab a branch off of a tree and bang it on his head, it would most likely make the same sound as his drumming. It is painfully obvious that the main goals for the members of Good Charlotte are two things: Money and chicks. No, they don't care about making beautiful music, they just figured that if they pretend to play, and think of lame emo lyrics such as "HOOOLD ONN IFF YOUU FEEEL LIKE LETTING GO", the chicks will love them. Unfortunately, this has became true, they are loved by many preps. MTV basically played this band on their station to brainwash all the preps into listening to bad music. Oh well, there's nothing we can do.
Prep: The song "Hold on" saved my life!!@!!@!"

Someone who isn't an idiot: "Yeah, too bad it's ending ANYWAY!!"
*shoots the prep*
by Robo Robot June 6, 2005
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