4 definitions by Rise step-chickens

A term that refers to the LGBTQ+ community
Person 1: “hay are you a member of the alphabet mafia
Person 2: “yasss queen
by Rise step-chickens December 10, 2020
Get the Alphabet Mafia mug.
A term that refers to the LGBTQ+ community
Person 1: “hay are you a member of the alphabet mafia
Person 2: “yasss queen
by Rise step-chickens December 10, 2020
Get the Alphabet Mafia mug.
A term that refers to the LGBTQ+ community
Person 1: “hay are you a member of the alphabet mafia
Person 2: “yasss queen
by Rise step-chickens December 10, 2020
Get the Alphabet Mafia mug.
A term that refers to the LGBTQ+ community
Person 1: “hay are you a member of the alphabet mafia
Person 2: “yasss queen
by Rise step-chickens December 10, 2020
Get the Alphabet Mafia mug.