1 definition by Regina Lopperpottus

These 2 simple words mean just that - simple. Also that he is big and his name is gav (usually shortened from Gavin). This pretentious party beast has an albino look to the untrained eye. Prone to losing EVERYTHING and NEVER ready on time.....EVER....EVER EVER. Gay as fuck. Wets the bed occasionally.Likes window shopping in the Dam but no other countries - no one really knows why.Lenaporn starwasterLUTAlbinoCampGay
Girl in shop window: "Awrite big boy"
Big Gav: "How old ARE you?"
Girl in shop window: "How old do you want me to be?"
Big Gav: "14 at the oldest"
Girl in shop window: "I'm 13 and it's 50 euro's, extra 20 euro's to kiss me on the lips"
Big Gav: "What, you mean whisker buscuits luuuuuut?"
Girl in shop window: "No, that is an extra 30 euro's"
Big Gav: "Up the ass it is then - no babies"
Girl in shop window: "Done, payment first please?"
*Fumbles for wallet*
Big Gav: "Shit, i've lost ma wallet, but wait a minute - i'm big Gav - you should be paying me beeeeeatch!!"
by Regina Lopperpottus September 30, 2006
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