1 definition by Red Stallion

pronunciation- "Mist-er-ee Box"

A game usually played by, or in the company of males. A cooler filled with a random assortment of beers, including all varieties ranging from the shittiest of beers to the better tasting beers. When one has created this wonderful device, you are to stick your hand in the cooler and grab the first beer that luck grants you. After a beer is pulled from the cooler, it is dishonorable and highly frowned upon to replace said "shitty beer" with one that is more to your liking. It is absolutley prohibited to place your hand within the cooler without first finishing the open beer at hand. If a player is to do this, elimination from the game, castration, and execution are all possible forms of punishment.

Rules are open to interpretation. For example, if a less manly male has decided to place a beverage that is usually shunned from the male society into the mystery box(i.e. smirnoff ices or Mike's hard lemonade), there can be a democratic vote to create a rule in which one would have to chug every "less than manly beverage" upon removal from the cooler.
Chuck- "Hey dude, come over to watch the playoffs. We're doing a mystery box. I just placed a six of redstripe and two 16oz budweisers in the cooler!".
Mark- "Right on! I'll bring over my remaining steel-reserve and smirnoff ices!".

Sean-"Hey bro bro, it's Ted's 13th Birthday, try to get some cervezas for him."
Carlos- "Sounds bueno, I'll raid my dad's fridge. He has Corona, Busch-Light in bottles, and Miller light. We can make a mystery box!!!"
by Red Stallion December 10, 2011
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