1 definition by Ray Perr

When your friend puts in all of the prep-work on the girl, but doesn't have enough game to close the deal. Much like a real sous-chef puts in all the work preparing the meal, the chef with the big-dick-white-tophat gets the credit.

By the end of the night, most often than not, the sous-chef's girl will be in bed with someone else, giving him sloppy handjobs.
Friend1: Oh wow, look at that guy, he has so much game. Look how well he can just approach girls!

Friend2: Naw, that guys is a Sous Chef. By the time the bar closes, I'll be fucking her in the back of my green passat while we listen to Lady gaga.

Friend1: True, you big-dick'd bandit, you.
by Ray Perr September 15, 2010
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