1 definition by Rat in the hat

The end of the world. Why? Because I said so. Also don't forget to love yourself. And if u can't do that, find someone TO love. They can be your crush, the random plant in your house or a picture of a cat you found on the internet. And remember, they would want u to be happy. And so do I.
BRO 1: Hey, do you know when the world ends?
BRO 2: I think it's the 2nd of august
BRO 1: Wait... bro... Why u so down?
BRO 2: Its been hard bro, u get me?
BRO 1: But remember bro, I care for you, you mean the world to me bro
BRO 2: bro....
BRO 1: bro, I'm here for you. Remember that.
by Rat in the hat November 21, 2019
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